spoilers survivor 23
spoilers survivor 23
Au lieu de Russell Hantz ils ont pris son neveu Brandon Hantz:

Re: spoilers survivor 23
Ils font vraiment tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour me faire hair la prochaine saison. 

Re: spoilers survivor 23
Donc ce sera Russell contre son neveu la saison prochaine. Bonne idée.
Re: spoilers survivor 23
Spoiler des deux returnees :
Click this blog if you want to know who is coming back for Survivor 23: South Pacific. It makes NO sense, they've never even been on a season together.
Coach and Ozzy.
Coach's voicemail message says that he's going to be "travelling for a few weeks", the symphony he founded/conducted is having their final show directed by somebody else. Coach is also in a movie premiering June 17th, but he is not going to be at the premiere.
Ozzy has also said that he's going to be away from his phone for over a month, and he is taking a leave of absence from his job.
There's more evidence out there - google it if you want. I can not link to the realityblurred article because it links to a page that links to a page that may contain inappropriate material, so I don't want to risk that.
So, yeah. Coach and Ozzy.
Doesn't make sense... but it's more likely than anything at this point.
Coach returning was obvious anyway. Jeff has a giant boner for him and Coach is an attentionwhore.
Source : http://www.tengaged.com/blog/zimdelinva ... -returnees" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; Pour ma part, je serai content à 50 % ! Reste à voir si cela est vrai. J'avais lu l'info sur un autre site, mais là je ne retrouve plus ce site. Bref ça disait la même chose.
Click this blog if you want to know who is coming back for Survivor 23: South Pacific. It makes NO sense, they've never even been on a season together.
Coach and Ozzy.
Coach's voicemail message says that he's going to be "travelling for a few weeks", the symphony he founded/conducted is having their final show directed by somebody else. Coach is also in a movie premiering June 17th, but he is not going to be at the premiere.
Ozzy has also said that he's going to be away from his phone for over a month, and he is taking a leave of absence from his job.
There's more evidence out there - google it if you want. I can not link to the realityblurred article because it links to a page that links to a page that may contain inappropriate material, so I don't want to risk that.
So, yeah. Coach and Ozzy.
Doesn't make sense... but it's more likely than anything at this point.
Coach returning was obvious anyway. Jeff has a giant boner for him and Coach is an attentionwhore.
Source : http://www.tengaged.com/blog/zimdelinva ... -returnees" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; Pour ma part, je serai content à 50 % ! Reste à voir si cela est vrai. J'avais lu l'info sur un autre site, mais là je ne retrouve plus ce site. Bref ça disait la même chose.
Re: spoilers survivor 23

- WinterStorm
- Magicien des Mots
- Messages : 2961
- Inscription : jeu. mai 12, 2011 8:30 am
Re: spoilers survivor 23
ah non pas coach jaurais aimer mieux SIerra
En vente dans les magasin le 2e album de Pascal Picard - Il est excellent
- geneviève-2
- Immortel du Domaine
- Messages : 13820
- Inscription : jeu. août 25, 2005 12:00 am
Re: spoilers survivor 23
J'espère qu'ils ne reprendront jamais Phillip de la dernière saison.

Je ne reçois pas les messages éclairs
Re: spoilers survivor 23
Oh shit j'espère que non, j'pense qu'on a vu assez de ses personnages merci! Yé même pas regardable une deuxième fois!
Re: spoilers survivor 23
Je sais que ça recommence le 14 Septembre, mais pour l'heure, ça reste à confirmer. Probablement après Big Brother et je pense que c'est un spécial d'une heure et demi, mais encore là, ça reste à confirmer ^^ !
- ornitho-max
- Seigneur de la Causerie
- Messages : 8357
- Inscription : lun. janv. 17, 2005 1:00 am