Revenge of the HouseGuests! (vengeance des HG)

Venez discuter ici des participants ainsi que tout ce qui entoure cette émission!
Coucou ö,ö
Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 13751
Inscription : dim. avr. 27, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Coucou ö,ö »

Picasims  a écritKaren....non
rhabille toi

Surtout quand en plus on imagine que les photos ont été retouchées...  
(comme toutes bonnes photos de stars)

Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3632
Inscription : lun. déc. 20, 2004 1:00 am

Message par Picasims »

Non chère, les photos n'ont pas été retouchée, c'est ca le pire. On voit bien qu'elles auraient pu etre plus parfaite.

Coucou ö,ö
Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 13751
Inscription : dim. avr. 27, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Coucou ö,ö »

ayoye alors.....!!!!

Je dois pas avoir l'oeil..pour voir si elles ont été retouchées ou pas....  

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Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3816
Inscription : jeu. avr. 03, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Jadz »

Regardez qui a joint le groupe Revenge of the HouseGuests !!


Allez voir le site officiel sous l'onglet Guests (cliquez sur ma signature pour accéder le site officiel)

Coucou ö,ö
Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 13751
Inscription : dim. avr. 27, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Coucou ö,ö »

wow..Jadz...merci de l'information....

bonne idée....ton lien direct....
Merci pour ça itou....  

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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »

«Jadz» j'allais justement mettre cette information, car étrangement je me suis rendue compte de ce fait, par hasard, hier soir, à peine quelques minutes après que «Kaysar» a inscrit son première message de présentation !!!

Hummmmmmm, faut croire que je l'ai dans le peau ce cher «Kaysar», car je le sens... à distance !!!

J'ai bien hâte de voir ses commentaires concernant le AC de dimanche avec l'appel de «Michael» !!!  «Will» entre autres, ne s'est pas gêné pour dire ce qu'il pense de «April» avec ses commentaires !!!
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11138
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Pacm »

Hi everyone, well i posted earlier and said some nice things that where taken the wrong way so well im sorry if it offended anyone in this time of great need. Its funny how April can tell America they are pieces of S#$%^ and well its cool and you all love that stuff because rating is what sells. I know the game and i meant no harm or foul just Fairplay and some drama which the show right now needs....BAD. On that note everyone needs a drink and maybe some......Ok James....Bye my friend and when u get out consider yourself a GREAT player and way to last this long and not till week 3. I feel this season due to the lack of characters and personalities like last seasons people are clinging to whatever and claiming outragoues thoughts and accomplishments just for need be. There are no stars on this show and if there where you would see total domination like a DR Will or im gonna say it Jase and Me. Yea we where punted but we DOMINATED and carried two to the end. Having people CRY over our game play and ways is something you dont see this year. I mite have been ousted but i brought it and didnt hesitate as did Jase. Check the Ratings. If you dont get pumped up for this game even if its for 1 mill then you dont have a pulse and well doctor check these people for a pulse. Having James exit will only make way for the demise of this game and well its gonna turn into a my little pony love affair of nerds and so called freinds. I cant wait to see this. Lady Luck so they call her or in my words the girl who isnt stupid (Janelle) will have her hands full to come leaving the cast looking like and playing like the Miami Dolphins of Today. Misguided and confused. Ricky Williams where are you?
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Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3816
Inscription : jeu. avr. 03, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Jadz »


9/15/05 7:18 am

Wow... What can I say about these three ladies? Nothing positive that's for sure.

I have been asked on several occasions if I am upset with Ivette's racist comments, and April's compulsive lying. All I can say is that any feeling of anger I had for these ladies is overshadowed by an overwhelming sense of disappointment and sadness. Simply put... I feel sorry for them. They will be held accountable for their actions outside of the Big Brother house. Someone needs to explain to them that it's not okay to sell your soul for money. Every time they give a speech about the importance of friendship, loyalty, integrity, and honor my stomach begins to turn. As for Maggie... Sure, you may consider your blank stares, and apathy a strategy but I assure you that it is not. You, Maggie, represent those in our society who sit around quietly and watch the good people of this world go down in flames. And when the dust begins to settle you feast on what’s left.

With that said... I think I'll speak a bit about Janelle. Although she and I come for different walks of life, I respect Janelle for who she is because she is true to herself. She didn't prance around the house delivering speeches about topics she knew nothing about. Her genuinely shined but went unnoticed to several houseguests (I won't mention any names). Why? Because they speak a completely different language. If they took the time to stop preaching and truly played the game "with their hearts," they can hear the loud thump that resonates from the chests of those houseguests who truly exhibit honor. Instead, ironically, those foolish houseguests who claim to speak the language of integrity aligned themselves with those who are like minded. These were the houseguests driven by greed, arrogance, and the lust for fame. For those who think this was only a game, think again. These past three months have been an extension of our lives.

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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5078
Inscription : jeu. sept. 15, 2005 12:00 am

Message par Dannoux »

Merci pour le texte Jadz... Vraiment, ça résume tout ce que je pensais d'April, Ivette, Maggie et Janelle.
Retrouvez mes écrits gratuits sur Scribay.
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 23659
Inscription : lun. janv. 31, 2005 1:00 am

Message par LeoChris »

Jadz  a écrit


9/15/05 7:18 am

Wow... What can I say about these three ladies? Nothing positive that's for sure.

I have been asked on several occasions if I am upset with Ivette's racist comments, and April's compulsive lying. All I can say is that any feeling of anger I had for these ladies is overshadowed by an overwhelming sense of disappointment and sadness. Simply put... I feel sorry for them. They will be held accountable for their actions outside of the Big Brother house. Someone needs to explain to them that it's not okay to sell your soul for money. Every time they give a speech about the importance of friendship, loyalty, integrity, and honor my stomach begins to turn. As for Maggie... Sure, you may consider your blank stares, and apathy a strategy but I assure you that it is not. You, Maggie, represent those in our society who sit around quietly and watch the good people of this world go down in flames. And when the dust begins to settle you feast on what’s left.

With that said... I think I'll speak a bit about Janelle. Although she and I come for different walks of life, I respect Janelle for who she is because she is true to herself. She didn't prance around the house delivering speeches about topics she knew nothing about. Her genuinely shined but went unnoticed to several houseguests (I won't mention any names). Why? Because they speak a completely different language. If they took the time to stop preaching and truly played the game "with their hearts," they can hear the loud thump that resonates from the chests of those houseguests who truly exhibit honor. Instead, ironically, those foolish houseguests who claim to speak the language of integrity aligned themselves with those who are like minded. These were the houseguests driven by greed, arrogance, and the lust for fame. For those who think this was only a game, think again. These past three months have been an extension of our lives.

He's really the King Kaysar
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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »

Suite au message de «Kaysar» écrit dans "Revenge of the houseguests», Marcellas de "House Calls" a assez cruellement... attaqué «Kaysar» à cet effet,(je vais me retenir de dire ce que je pense...), alors aujourd'hui, «Kaysar», en homme diplomate et respectueux qu'il est, a parlé directement à «Marcellas» lors de l'émission et il a transcris ce qu'il lui a dit sur son forum !!!

Voici le résumé de cette conversation par «Kaysar» :


Marcellas - America wants your DOR! LOL

I spoke to Marcellas today on House Calls. I would like to thank Marcellas and the people over at once again for that opportunity.

Although it was not nice of you to compare me to Maggie I do understand what you were alluding to when you made your comments. But, during my stay in the house I did say to my teammates, on several occasions, that we are each individuals making our own decisions. I tried to make it clear to them that I was NOT the leader of the group. I felt that was what made us such a strong team. That?s what I loved about the Sovereign 6. Of course I was perceived as a leader at times because people would confide in me or ask for my opinion. I felt they respected me for what I brought to the table not because I told them they had to.
Furthermore, I am not arrogant! Lol. Just for the record... I feel that my passion translates into arrogance at times. I don't mean to come off that way.

Lastly, America still loves you Marcellas. I don't think you had any ill intent when making those comments you made. Don't worry about me, I can take my share of hits. You're lucky we're still friends otherwise I'll start my own show and talk about how much of a drama queen you are. Haha. I wish you all the best.



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Magicien des Mots
Messages : 4438
Inscription : ven. août 05, 2005 12:00 am

Message par Kaylee »

Bien fait Sweet Angel,

Je l'ai écouté aussi hier & aujourd'hui mais c'est drôle moi ça m'avait pas choqué car il avait expliqué au fur & à mesure... Mais sur les sites anglos..OUFFF

J'ai hâte de les voir avec Janelle lundi, je prédis même que Marcellas aura le coeur gros en dedans & que ça parraîtra.
"Le plus sur moyen de vaincre la tentation, c'est d'y succomber."

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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »

«Kaylee», «Janelle» ne sera pas à «House Calls» lundi, ce sera seulement au téléphone !!!
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Magicien des Mots
Messages : 4438
Inscription : ven. août 05, 2005 12:00 am

Message par Kaylee »

Sweet Angel  a écrit«Kaylee», «Janelle» ne sera pas à «House Calls» lundi, ce sera seulement au téléphone !!!

C'était suppposé oui mais la... d'une chambre d'hotel on sait jamais!  ;) C'est pas la Maguette... C'est notre Janelle  
"Le plus sur moyen de vaincre la tentation, c'est d'y succomber."

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